St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church

St. Thomas

We, the parish family of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, proclaim our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to sharing our time, talent, and treasure through worship, spiritual formation, and outreach.

English Mass – Sat. 5:30PM – Sun. 8AM & 11AM
Misa en Español – Sun. 12:30PM & 5PM
Reconciliation – Sat. 4PM-5PM

Office Hours: 8AM-4PM Mon-Thu, 8AM-12PM Fri
80 Saint Thomas Way, Montevallo, AL 35115

Oct 27, 2024

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Dear Brothers and Sisters, As we come to the end of our Stewardship Month for this year, I would like to extend my thanks to our whole parish. Thank you to everyone who’s worked so hard to make this a fruitful time, and thank you to everyone who has taken the opportunity to become more involved, through a renewed commitment to using our time, talent, and treasure in the Lord’s service. We have a few special opportunities this week that I would like to remind everyone about, as well. First, this Friday is All Saints’ Day (November the 1st), which is a holy day of obligation. We will have Mass in the morning at 6am and 9am, and our evening holy day Mass is at 7pm (bilingual). For the kids and youth in our parish, you’re invited to dress up as a saint or Bible character at the Mass, as a way to celebrate their life and example. Second, this Saturday is All Souls’ Day (November the 2nd). This is not a day of obligation, but it is an excellent opportunity to recall our departed loved ones. Especially if you’ve lost a family member or friend over the past year, or if you’re still carrying grief, you are most welcome to join us. The Mass time will be 10am for All Souls’. Finally, next weekend, we will be hosting our annual Youth Fall Festival. This will take place out in the parking lot, beginning at 12pm on Sunday. All are invited to come enjoy the season with our parish family and support our youth and young adult ministries. God continues to watch over us with his mighty arm! We give him thanks, sustained by the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our patron St. Thomas. God bless,

Father Jantz

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To keep up with announcements,
check the bulletin every week!

Annulment Advocates

St Thomas parish currently has two diocesan tribunal certified advocates for the marriage annulment process. Deacon David and Ann Hicks are available to serve as advocates for parish members that may have questions about the annulment procedures or may be considering the annulment process. Please contact Deacon David or Ann Hicks if you have questions or need further assistance.

Monthly Memorial Mass For Our Dearly departed Loved Ones

St. Thomas the Apostle will celebrate monthly Memorial Masses to honor our friends and family who have gone to the house of the Father. These Masses will take place every 2nd Thursday at 6pm in Spanish and every 3rd Thursday at 9am in English, and all are welcome to attend. Please contact Sr. Amanda Magdalena ( or 205-358-1973) to add the names of your deceased loved ones or if you have any questions.

Catholic Charismatic Monthly Mass At Our Lady of Sorrows

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama announces the celebration of monthly Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church the second Thursday of each month. Come worship and praise and enjoy coming together to give glory to God. Confessions are at 6:15 pm, Praise Music at 6:30 pm and Mass begins at 7:00 pm. Individual prayer is available after Mass. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! For more information, contact Ray Makofsky at 205-999-8947.

Fall Festival November 3

Join us November 3 from 12-5pm for our annual Fall Festival with food, music, hayrides, activities for the kids, and more! Entry is free. To apply to be a vendor, please print and fill out the form below (available in English and in Spanish) and submit it to our main office.



At St. Thomas, we have a wide variety of ministries, such as our Hispanic ministry, youth and college ministries, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, our Faith Formation classes for students grades 1-10, and our Confirmation and First Communion programs.

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