St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church

Saint Thomas

We, the parish family of Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, proclaim our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ. We are committed to sharing our time, talent and treasure through worship, spiritual formation and outreach.
We, the parish family of Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, proclaim our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to sharing our time, talent and treasure through worship, spiritual formation and outreach.

English Mass – Sat. 5:30PM – Sun. 8AM & 11AM
Misa en Español – Sun. 12:30PM & 5PM
Reconciliation – Sat. 4PM-5PM

Office Hours: 8AM-4PM Mon-Thu, 8AM-12PM Fri
80 Saint Thomas Way, Montevallo, AL 35115
(205) 663-3936


Sep 8, 2024

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Dear Brothers and Sisters, A warm welcome back to all of our Faith Formation students and teachers! It’s an exciting time, as we start to see the life and the learning that will be happening here over the course of the academic year. For our students, we’re very excited that you’re back for another year of learning about the faith and growing in your relationship with God. I’d really emphasize the idea of growing. Faith Formation isn’t a sort of school where you happen to be learning about God. It’s a time when you grow closer to Jesus by experiencing him in your teachers, in your friends, in the stories from the Bible, and in the Church’s teaching. Our whole parish is praying for you! For our teachers, I can’t say thank you enough. Your commitment to serve our community like you do is genuinely inspiring. Your dedicated work makes sure that we accomplish one of the most important things that happens at St. Thomas: passing on the Catholic faith to another generation. And for the whole parish, I’d encourage all of us to make a commitment to continuing our own “Faith Formation,” even if we don’t have a formal program on Sunday morning. In any journey, if we don’t keep moving forward, we lose precious time. My invitation would especially be to find a niche in our parish, if you don’t already have one, where you can take another step forward on your personal faith journey in the company of fellow parishioners. Just watch the bulletin, and you’ll see plenty of opportunities. Or if something else is on your heart, feel free to chat with me, and perhaps we can start something new! Let’s say a special prayer for our students and teachers as they begin Faith Formation. Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Church, and St. Thomas, the patron of those who seek to grow in faith, may we all open our hearts to be more deeply shaped by Christ in the coming year. God bless,

Father Jantz

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To keep up with announcements,
check the bulletin every week!

Annulment Advocates

St Thomas parish currently has two diocesan tribunal certified advocates for the marriage annulment process. Deacon David and Ann Hicks are available to serve as advocates for parish members that may have questions about the annulment procedures or may be considering the annulment process. Please contact Deacon David or Ann Hicks if you have questions or need further assistance.

Monthly Memorial Mass For Our Dearly departed Loved Ones

St. Thomas the Apostle will celebrate monthly Memorial Masses to honor our friends and family who have gone to the house of the Father. These Masses will take place every 2nd Thursday at 6pm in Spanish and every 3rd Thursday at 9am in English, and all are welcome to attend. Please contact Sr. Amanda Magdalena ( or 205-358-1973) to add the names of your deceased loved ones or if you have any questions.

Altar Server Ministry

Attention parents of recent first communicants: if your child who recently received first communion has expressed an interest in joining the altar server ministry, please contact Deacon David. We are currently recruiting new servers from those that recently received first communion. Our recruitment effort applies to the three English masses along with our Spanish mass.

Social Concerns Committee Food Drive 9-24/25

The St. Thomas Social Concerns Committee will be collecting non-perishable food items for Shelby Emergency Assistance at Masses on the weekends of Aug. 24/25. Donated items may be left in the gathering space near the Cross on the north side. If you have questions, please contact Nancy Wilstach at 205-531-1495 or Bill Plott at 205-908-8703.

Catholic Charismatic Monthly Mass At Our Lady of Sorrows

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama announces the celebration of monthly Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church the second Thursday of each month. Come worship and praise and enjoy coming together to give glory to God. Confessions are at 6:15 pm, Praise Music at 6:30 pm and Mass begins at 7:00 pm. Individual prayer is available after Mass. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! For more information, contact Ray Makofsky at 205-999-8947.



At St. Thomas, we have a wide variety of ministries, such as our Hispanic ministry, youth and college ministries, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, our Faith Formation classes for students grades 1-10, and our Confirmation and First Communion programs.

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Instead of donating at the weekend masses, you can donate online via Faith Direct! You can choose to make a one-time donation or to start a recurring weekly or monthly payment. If you save your login, you can come back and change your banking info or pledge amount any time.

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Event Media


Faith Formation Handbook

Details about registration for Faith Formation classes at St. Thomas and children's preparation for the sacraments

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